McNeil, Wilson H. Jason Porzio, Fan Tong, Robert A. Harley, Maximilian Auffhammer, Corinne D. Scown. Forthcoming. Impact of Truck Electrification on Air Pollution Disparities in the U.S. Nature Sustainability.
Almås, Ingvild, Maximilian Auffhammer, Tessa Bold, Ian Bolliger, Aluma Dembo, Solomon M Hsiang, Shuhei Kitamura, Edward Miguel, and Robert Pickmans. Destructive behavior, judgment, and economic decision‑making under thermal stress. Economic Journal (conditionally accepted).
Chen, Xiaoguang, Jing Gao, Luoye Chen, Madhu Khanna, Binlei Gong, and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2024. The Spatiotemporal Pattern of Surface Ozone and Its Impact on Agricultural Productivity in China. PNAS Nexus. 3(1): 1-15.
Guo, Wei, Leonie Wenz, and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2024. The visual effect of wind turbines on property values is small and diminishing in space and time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(13), p.e2309372121.
Edward Anton Rubin and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2024. Quantifying Heterogeneity in the Price Elasticity of Residential Natural Gas. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 11(2), pp.319-357.
McNeil, Wilson, Fan Tong, Robert Harley, Maximilian Auffhammer, and Corinne Scown. 2023. Corridor‑Level Impacts of Battery‑
Electric Heavy‑Duty Trucks and the Effects of Policy in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology. 58(1), pp. 33-42.
Porzio, Jason, Derek Wolfson, Maximilian Auffhammer, and Corinne D. Scown. 2023. Private and External Costs and Benefits of Replacing High-Emitting Peaker Plants with Batteries. Environmental Science and Technology. 57(12): 4992
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2022. Climate Adaptive Response Estimation: Short And Long Run Impacts Of Climate Change On Residential Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption. 2022. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 122.
Aldy, Joseph E., Maximillian Auffhammer, Maureen Cropper, Arthur Fraas, Richard Morgenstern. 2022. Looking Back at Fifty Years of the Clean Air Act. Journal of Economic Literature. 60(1): 179-232.
Tong, Fan, Alan Jenn, Derek Wolfson, Corinne D. Scown, Maximilian Auffhammer. 2021. Energy consumption and charging load profiles from long-haul truck electrification in the United States. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. 1(2) 025007
Tong, Fan, Alan Jenn, Derek Wolfson, Corinne D. Scown, Maximilian Auffhammer. 2021. Health and Climate Impacts from Long-Haul Truck Electrification. Environmental Science and Technology. 55, 13, 8514–8523. [Best Paper in ES&T 2021]
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Min Wang, Lunyu Xie, Jintao Xu. 2021. The Development of Renewable Electricity Generation in China. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 15(2) 323-339
Rogers, Martha, Gina Waterfield, Philippe Grandjean, Maximilian Auffhammer and David Sunding. 2020. Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in a Population Exposed to Perfluorinated Compounds in Drinking Water. Environmental Health. 19(1):42.
Buck, Steven, Maximilian Auffhammer, Hilary Soldati, and David Sunding. 2020. Forecasting Urban Water Consumption in California: Rethinking Model Evaluation. Water Resources Research.56(1).
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Maya Duru, Edward Anton Rubin and David L. Sunding. 2020. The Economic Impact of Critical Habitat Designation: Evidence from Vacant Land Transactions. Land Economics. 96(2): 188-206.
Xie, Lunyu, Sarah L.MacDonald, Maximilian Auffhammer, Deepak Jaiswald and Peter Berck. 2019. Environment or food: Modeling future land use patterns of miscanthus for bioenergy using fine scale data. Ecological Economics. 161: 225-236
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2018. Quantifying Economic Damages From Climate Change. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 32(4): 33-52.
Xie, Lunyu, Sarah M. Lewis, Maximilian Auffhammer, and Peter Berck. 2018. Heat in the Heartland: Crop Yield and Coverage Response to Climate Change Along the Mississippi River. Environmental and Resource Economics.
Maximilian Auffhammer and Tamma A. Carleton. 2018. Regional Crop Diversity and Weather Shocks in India. Asian Development Review. 35(2): 113-130.
Maximilian Auffhammer and Matthew Kahn. 2018. The Farmer's Climate Change Adaptation Challenge in Least Developed Countries. The Handbook of Environmental Economics. 4: 193-229.
Wenz, Leonie, Maximilian Auffhammer, and Anders Levermann. 2017. North-South polarization of European electricity consumption under future warming. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Patrick Baylis, and Catherine Hausman. 2017. Climate change is projected to have severe impacts on the frequency and intensity of peak electricity demand across the United States. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences. 114 (8) 1886-1891.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Weizeng Sun, Jianfeng Wu, Siqi Zheng. 2016. The Decomposition and Dynamics of Industrial Carbon Dioxide Emissions for 287 Chinese Cities. Journal of Economic Surveys. 30(3): 460-481.
Buck, Steven, Maximilian Auffhammer, Stephen Hamilton and David L. Sunding. 2016. Measuring the Welfare Losses from Urban Water Supply Disruptions. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 3(3): 743-778.
Bierkandt, Robert, Maximilian Auffhammer and Anders Levermann. 2015. US power plant sites at risk of future sea-level rise. Environmental Research Letters. 10(12).
Hansen Gerrit, Dáithí Stone, Maximilian Auffhammer, Christian Huggel and Wolfgang Cramer. 2015. Linking local impacts to changes in climate - a guide to attribution. Regional Environmental Change. 16(2): 527-541.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Yazhen Gong. 2015. China’s Carbon Emissions from fossil fuels and market based opportunities for control. Annual Review of Resource Economics. 7, 11-34.
Hansen Gerrit, Auffhammer, Maximilian and Andrew R. Solow. 2014. On the Attribution of a Single Event to Climate Change. Journal of Climate. 27, 8297–8301
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Wolfram Schlenker. 2014. Empirical Studies on Agricultural Impacts and Adaptation. Energy Economics. 46, 555-561.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Bo Li, Brian Wright and Seung-Jick Yoo. 2014. Specification and Estimation of the Transfer Function in Dendroclimatological Reconstructions. Environmental and Ecological Statistics.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Erin T. Mansur. 2014. Measuring Climatic Impacts on Energy Expenditures: A Review of the Empirical Literature. Energy Economics. 14: 522-530.
Cramer, Wolfgang, Gary Yohe, Maximilian Auffhammer, Christian Huggel, Ulf Molau, Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias, Andrew Solow, Dáithí Stone, Lourdes Tibig. 2014: Detection and attribution of observed impacts. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L.White (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 979-1037.
Auffhammer Maximilian and Catherine Wolfram. 2014. Powering Up China: Income Distributions and Residential Electricity Consumption. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. 104(5): 575-80.
Auffhammer Maximilian. 2014. Cooling China: The Weather Dependence of Air Conditioner Adoption. Frontiers of Economics in China. 9(1): 70-84.
Buck, Steven, Maximilian Auffhammer and David L. Sunding. 2014. Land Markets and the Value of Water: Hedonic Analysis Using Repeat Sales of Farmland. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 96(4): 953-969.
Anderson, Michael and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2014. Pounds That Kill: The External Costs of Vehicle Weight. Review of Economic Studies. (81) 2: 535-571.
Auffhammer Maximilian and Wolfram Schlenker. 2013. It’s not just the statistical model. A comment on Seo (2013). Climatic Change. 121(2): 125-128.
Dáithí Stone, Maximilian Auffhammer, Mark Carey, Gerrit Hansen, Christian Huggel, Wolfgang Cramer, David Lobell, Ulf Molau, Andrew Solow, Lourdes Tibig, Gary Yohe. 2013. The challenge to detect and attribute effects of climate change on human and natural systems. Climatic Change. 121(2): 381-395.
Christian Huggel, Dáithí Stone, Maximilian Auffhammer & Gerrit Hansen. 2013. Loss and damage attribution. Nature Climate Change. 3: 694–696.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Solomon Hsiang, Wolfram Schlenker and Adam Sobel. 2013. Using Weather Data and Climate Model Output in Economic Analyses of Climate Change. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 7(2): 181-198.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Jeffrey R. Vincent. 2012. Unobserved time effects confound the identification of climate change impacts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(30): 11973-11974.
Hausmann, Catherine, Maximilian Auffhammer and Peter Berck. 2012. Farm Acreage Shocks and Food Prices: An SVAR Approach to Understanding the Impacts of Biofuels. Environmental and Resource Economics. 53(1): 117-136.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, V. Ramanathan, and Jeffrey R. Vincent. 2012. Climate change, the monsoon, and rice yield in India. Climatic Change. 111(2):411-424.
Aroonruengsawat, Anin. Maximilian Auffhammer and Alan H. Sanstad. 2012. The impacts of State Level Building Codes on Residential Electricity Consumption. Energy Journal. 33(1): 31-52
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Ralf Steinhauser. 2012. Forecasting the Path of US CO2 Emissions Using State-Level Information. Review of Economics and Statistics. Vol. 94, No. 1: 172–185.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Anin Aroonruengsawat. 2011. Simulating the Impacts of Climate Change, Prices and Population on California’s Residential Electricity Consumption. Climatic Change. 109(S1): 191-210. [Original Uncorrected Manuscript] [Erratum]
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Ryan Kellogg. 2011. Clearing the Air? The Effects of Gasoline Content Regulation on Air Quality. American Economic Review. Vol. 101(6): 2687-2722
Wolff, Hendrik, Chong, Howard and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2011. Classification, Detection and Consequences of Data Error: Evidence from the Human Development Index. Economic Journal. Vol. 121(553) pp.843-870.
McKone Thomas, W. Nazaroff, M. Auffhammer, P. Berck, T. Lipman, M. Torn, E. Masanet, A. Lobscheid, N. Santero, U. Mishra, A. Barrett, M. Bomberg, K.Fingerman, C. Scown, B. Strogen, A. Horvath. 2011. Grand Challenges for Life-Cycle Assessment of Biofuels. Environmental Science and Technology. 45(5): 1751–1756. Second Runner Up Best Paper in ES&T 2011.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Antonio Bento and Scott Lowe. 2011. The City Level Effects of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Land Economics. 87(1): 1-18.
Welch, J., J. Vincent, M. Auffhammer, P. Moya, A. Dobermann, and D. Dawe. 2010. Rice yields in tropical/subtropical Asia exhibit large but opposing sensitivities to minimum and maximum temperatures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107(33): 14562-14567. [Covered by Associated Press/BBC/Reuters]
K. Hayhoe, M. Robson, J. Rogula, M. Auffhammer, N. Miller, J.VanDorn, D. Wuebbles. 2010. An integrated framework for quantifying and valuing climate change impacts on urban energy and infrastructure: A Chicago case study. Journal of Great Lakes Research. (36): 94-105.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Antonio Bento and Scott Lowe. 2009. Measuring the Effects the Clean Air Act Amendments on Ambient PM10 Concentrations: The critical importance of a spatially disaggregated analysis. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 58(1): 15-26.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2009. The State of Environmental And Resource Economics: A Google Scholar Perspective. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 3(2):251-269.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Richard T. Carson. 2009. Exploring the Number of First Order Subdivisions Across Countries: Some Stylized Facts. Journal of Regional Science. 42(2): 243-261.
Vincent, Jeffrey and Maximilian Auffhammer. Statistical Models for Measuring the Impacts of ABCs on Agriculture in Asia. 2009. Atmospheric Brown Clouds Regional Climate Change and Agriculture Impacts: First Assessment Report. United Nations Environment Programme: Nairobi, Kenya.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Carl Blumstein and Meredith Fowlie. 2008. Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Revisited. The Energy Journal. 29(3): 91-104.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Richard T. Carson. 2008. Forecasting the Path of China’s CO2 Emissions Using Province Level Information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 55(3): 229-47. [NPR/BBC/Reuters/Nat’l Geographic/ Show]
Miller, Norman, Katherine Hayhoe, J. Jin and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2008. Climate, Extreme Heat and Energy Demand in California. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.47(6): 1834–1844.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2007. The Rationality of EIA Forecasts under Symmetric and Asymmetric Loss. Resource and Energy Economics. 29(2): 102-121.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Ralf Steinhauser. 2007. The Future Trajectory of US CO2 Emissions: The Role of State vs. Aggregate Information. Journal of Regional Science. v47(1): 47-61.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, V. Ramanathan, and Jeffrey R. Vincent. 2006. Integrated model shows that atmospheric brown clouds and greenhouse gases have reduced rice harvests in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 103: 19668-19672. [Comment/BBC/Reuters/Nature/Prize] This paper won the PNAS Cozzarelli Prize (Best 2006 paper in Applied Biological, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences). It was also reprinted in a special issue of PNAS: Highlights in Sustainability Sciences.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Bernard Morzuch and John K. Stranlund. 2005. Production of Chlorofluorocarbons in Anticipation of the Montreal Protocol. Environmental and Resource Economics. 30(4): 377-391.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2022. The Mortality Cost of Climate Change. Nature Climate Change.
Shaffer, Blake, Maximilian Auffhammer and Constantine Samaras. 2021. Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety benefits. Nature.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2018. Grand Damage Projections. Nature.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2014. Energy and Environmental Policy in China: Towards a Low-Carbon Economy by Zhongxiang Zhang. The Energy Journal. 35(3) 571-572.
Huggel, Christian, Daithi Stone, Maximilian Auffhammer& Gerritt Hansen. 2013. Loss and Damage Attribution. Nature Climate Change.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2013. Climate Change and Common Sense: Essays in Honour of Tom Schelling. Journal of Economic Literature. 51(2) 571-572.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2011. The Hidden Costs of Energy. Environmental Health Perspectives. National Institutes of Health. 119(3): A138
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2011. Weather Dilemma for African Maize. Nature: Climate Change. 1: 27-28.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Alan H. Sanstad. 2011. Energy Efficiency in the Residential and Commercial Sectors. Toward a New National Energy Policy: Assessing the Options. Background Paper, Resources for the Future.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2008. Economic Impacts of Climate Change. in Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change. Russell Sage.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2007. The Montreal Protocol. in Encyclopedia of the Environment. Russell Sage.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Michael Hanemann and Sarah Szembelan. 2006. Transportation. in Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California (Alex Farrell and Michael Hanemann, Editors) Energy Foundation: San Francisco, CA
Sanstad, Alan, Michael Hanemann and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2006. The Role of Energy Efficiency. in Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California (Alex Farrell and Michael Hanemann, Editors). Energy Foundation: San Francisco, CA.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Richard T. Carson and Teresa Garin Munoz. 2003. Exploring Structural Differences in Carbon Dioxide Emissions of China’s Provinces. Policy report to the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Ryan Kellogg. 2010. Improving Air Quality by Reformulating Gasoline: How California Got It Right. ARE Update. 13(5): pp. 1-5.
Auffhammer, Maximilian and Richard Carson. 2007. China’s Chance to lead. Washington Post. (August 2).
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2006. Is Dust Busting Crop Yields? ARE Update. 10(1): pp. 1-3.
Auffhammer, Maximilian, Bento Antonio M. and Scott M. Lowe. 2005. Forming Coalitions for Cleaner Air? ARE Update. 5(8): pp. 5-7.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2005. George Judge Turns 80. ARE Update. 5(8): pp. 8.
Auffhammer, Maximilian. 2004. China, Cars and Carbon. ARE Update. 7(3): pp. 9-11.